An Introduction


Hi there! I figured I should formally introduce myself seeing as how I write volumes of random musings on half my posts and thank you for putting up with meπŸ™πŸ». I'm long winded at times and a bit of an amateur philosopher. I'm Cami Tiffin Clark. Hi. My husband (Tyler) and I have been married for 13 years. We are both Colorado natives. We moved, with our three children, to a small town in Park City, Utah called Midway about four years ago. It's a quaint little place with no stop lights where everyone still waves to each other. We found a home in a great neighborhood and have been remodeling it since we crossed the threshold.

I love the concept of designing the details of who we are as well as our homes. I am a woman under construction at all times in more ways than one. I'm a constant work in progress, and so is my design style. I had one of those times in life recently where you have to rethink and rebuild yourself. It seems like most of us grew up on autopilot cruising through life just tossing experiences and information in our truck bed as the years passed. At some point, the truck gets heavy for us, and we are forced to pull over and decide what we are going to continue with now that we are adults. I'm not a fan of picking sides or division. I'm striving to be a bridge builder in all realms of my life.

I love to write but don't like being restricted by proper grammar.  I have a lipstick/makeup business @bulletproofcolor that I have way too much fun with that helps in funding my design obsession. I love being a mother. I was inspired to flip my parenting on its head and let my little ones raise me. I love my boyfriend and feel so lucky I get to do this life with him as my husband. Thank you for following along and sharing my home and self-evolution. 


Our Anniversary